Analyze the short channel data collected from Spectrapro+EMDCCD
Below is the process structure of this jupyter notebook.
The data you get containing three informations such as time, wavelength and intensity, represented as: $ I(t,\lambda) $
Note that when you do in-vivo experiment, if you use binning, no need to do extra moving average on spectrum. Like this example notebook.
However, if you don't use binning, you need to adjust the moving average on spectrum decreaing the noise on the spectrum
Format Setting
Process Spectrapro+EMCCD raw data (image to csv file) (on image mode)
- Get Background Data $$ \bar{I}_{bg}(\lambda) = \frac{\sum_{t=0}^{N} I_{bg}(t,\lambda)}{N} $$
- Subtract background $$ \hat{I}(t, \lambda) = I_{NoSpike}(t,\lambda) - \bar{I}_{bg}(\lambda)$$
Sync Spectrapro image data to QEpro format csv file (time*wavelength)
Initialize Processer Instance
Analyze in-vivo Data
- Process Raw in-vivo Data
- Load sync in-vivo data
- Remove spike
- Get diastolic and systolic peaks
- Plot Raw Data
- Plot all results
- Process Raw in-vivo Data
Analyze Phantom Data for Calibration
- Process spectrapro+EMCCD raw phantom data
- Sync spectraprofile to QEpro file
- Load sync measured phantom data
- Load simulated phantom data
- fit measured phantom and simulated phantom
- Save fitting result as csv file
- Plot all measured phantom together
- Process spectrapro+EMCCD raw phantom data
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from PyEMD import EMD
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib
from utils import process_raw_data, process_phantom
from glob import glob
from tqdm import tqdm
import matplotlib.ticker as mtick
import json
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from natsort import natsorted
# Default settings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from PyEMD import EMD
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib
from utils import process_raw_data, process_phantom
from glob import glob
from tqdm import tqdm
import matplotlib.ticker as mtick
import json
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from natsort import natsorted
# Default settings
C:\Users\dicky1031\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_15812\ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The seaborn styles shipped by Matplotlib are deprecated since 3.6, as they no longer correspond to the styles shipped by seaborn. However, they will remain available as 'seaborn-v0_8-<style>'. Alternatively, directly use the seaborn API instead."seaborn-darkgrid")
Format Setting¶
In [11]:
subject_name = 'KB'
exp = 'VM'
date = '20230912'
pname = ['VM']
time_resolution = 0.10404 # [sec] # 0.10404, 0.10129
using_SDS = 10 # [mm]
phantom_measured_ID = ['22', '33', '44', '55']
phantom_simulated_ID = ['2', '3', '4', '5']
SDS_idx = 3 # SDS=10 mm, phantom simulated idx
## exp setting
baseline_start = 0 # [sec]
baseline_end = 60 # [sec]
exp_start = 60 # [sec]
exp_end = 75 # [sec]
recovery_start = 75 # [sec]
recovery_end = 670 # [sec]
# setting
moving_window = 3 # [nm]
time_interval = 30 # [sec]
## EMCCD setting
ifolder = os.path.join('dataset', subject_name, 'SDS1', f'{date}')
# used short channel
used_ch = 'ch3'
SDS_LIST = [4.5, 7.5, 10.5]
ofolder = os.path.join('dataset', subject_name, 'SDS1', f'm_out_{date}_{exp}')
os.makedirs(ofolder, exist_ok=True)
# Wavelength calibration factor defined : y = ax + b
a = 3.0375
b = 331.88
# Choose wavelength
start_wl = 119
stop_wl = 183
# Choose fiber output range
row_choose = ((2, 5), (6, 9), (11, 14))
mother_folder_name = os.path.join(subject_name, "SDS1", date, exp)
background_filenpath = os.path.join("dataset", subject_name, "SDS1", date,'background.csv')
data_filepath = os.path.join(ofolder, f'{subject_name}_SDS1_sync.csv')
subject_name = 'KB'
exp = 'VM'
date = '20230912'
pname = ['VM']
time_resolution = 0.10404 # [sec] # 0.10404, 0.10129
using_SDS = 10 # [mm]
phantom_measured_ID = ['22', '33', '44', '55']
phantom_simulated_ID = ['2', '3', '4', '5']
SDS_idx = 3 # SDS=10 mm, phantom simulated idx
## exp setting
baseline_start = 0 # [sec]
baseline_end = 60 # [sec]
exp_start = 60 # [sec]
exp_end = 75 # [sec]
recovery_start = 75 # [sec]
recovery_end = 670 # [sec]
# setting
moving_window = 3 # [nm]
time_interval = 30 # [sec]
## EMCCD setting
ifolder = os.path.join('dataset', subject_name, 'SDS1', f'{date}')
# used short channel
used_ch = 'ch3'
SDS_LIST = [4.5, 7.5, 10.5]
ofolder = os.path.join('dataset', subject_name, 'SDS1', f'm_out_{date}_{exp}')
os.makedirs(ofolder, exist_ok=True)
# Wavelength calibration factor defined : y = ax + b
a = 3.0375
b = 331.88
# Choose wavelength
start_wl = 119
stop_wl = 183
# Choose fiber output range
row_choose = ((2, 5), (6, 9), (11, 14))
mother_folder_name = os.path.join(subject_name, "SDS1", date, exp)
background_filenpath = os.path.join("dataset", subject_name, "SDS1", date,'background.csv')
data_filepath = os.path.join(ofolder, f'{subject_name}_SDS1_sync.csv')
Process Spectrapro+EMCCD raw data (image to csv file)¶
In [3]:
# %% Load target spectrum
folder_list = glob(os.path.join(ifolder, '*'))
stdname = 'standard0.1'
if any(stdname in folder_list[i] for i in range(len(folder_list))):
path_det_bg = glob(os.path.join(ifolder, stdname, 'background*'))
path_det_bg = natsorted(path_det_bg)
path_det = glob(os.path.join(ifolder, stdname, 'std*'))
path_det = natsorted(path_det)
bg_arr, df_det_mean, df_det_ch1, df_det_ch2, df_det_ch3 = process_raw_data.get_spec(path_det_bg, path_det, row_choose, a, b, img_size=(20, 320))
df_det_mean.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, stdname+'_det_mean.csv'), index = False)
df_det_ch1.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, stdname+'_det_ch1.csv'), index = False)
df_det_ch2.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, stdname+'_det_ch2.csv'), index = False)
df_det_ch3.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, stdname+'_det_ch3.csv'), index = False)
for tar_name in tqdm(pname):
path_det_bg = glob(os.path.join(ifolder, tar_name, 'background*'))
path_det_bg = natsorted(path_det_bg)
path_det = glob(os.path.join(ifolder, tar_name, subject_name + '*'))
path_det = natsorted(path_det)
bg_arr, df_det_mean, df_det_ch1, df_det_ch2, df_det_ch3 = process_raw_data.get_spec(path_det_bg, path_det, row_choose, a, b, img_size=(20, 320))
df_det_mean.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, tar_name+'_det_mean.csv'), index = False)
df_det_ch1.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, tar_name+'_det_ch1.csv'), index = False)
df_det_ch2.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, tar_name+'_det_ch2.csv'), index = False)
df_det_ch3.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, tar_name+'_det_ch3.csv'), index = False)
det_list = [df_det_ch1, df_det_ch2, df_det_ch3]
stat_list = process_raw_data.get_stat(det_list, start_wl, stop_wl)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(16, 8), dpi=300)
for i in range(3):
for j in range(df_det_ch1.shape[1]-1):
ax[i].plot(det_list[i].loc[start_wl:stop_wl, 'wl'], det_list[i].loc[start_wl:stop_wl, f'shot_{j}'])
ax[i].set_title(f'SDS = {SDS_LIST[i]} mm')
ax[i].set_xticks(np.arange(700, 881, 30))
ax[i].set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)')
ax[i].set_ylabel('Intensity (counts)')
ax2 = ax[i].twinx()
ax2.plot(stat_list[i]['wl'], 100 * stat_list[i]['cv'], color='black', linestyle='--')
ax2.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, 10, 6))
fig.suptitle(f'Phantom {tar_name}')
fig.savefig(os.path.join(ofolder, f'{tar_name}.png'))
# %% Load target spectrum
folder_list = glob(os.path.join(ifolder, '*'))
stdname = 'standard0.1'
if any(stdname in folder_list[i] for i in range(len(folder_list))):
path_det_bg = glob(os.path.join(ifolder, stdname, 'background*'))
path_det_bg = natsorted(path_det_bg)
path_det = glob(os.path.join(ifolder, stdname, 'std*'))
path_det = natsorted(path_det)
bg_arr, df_det_mean, df_det_ch1, df_det_ch2, df_det_ch3 = process_raw_data.get_spec(path_det_bg, path_det, row_choose, a, b, img_size=(20, 320))
df_det_mean.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, stdname+'_det_mean.csv'), index = False)
df_det_ch1.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, stdname+'_det_ch1.csv'), index = False)
df_det_ch2.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, stdname+'_det_ch2.csv'), index = False)
df_det_ch3.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, stdname+'_det_ch3.csv'), index = False)
for tar_name in tqdm(pname):
path_det_bg = glob(os.path.join(ifolder, tar_name, 'background*'))
path_det_bg = natsorted(path_det_bg)
path_det = glob(os.path.join(ifolder, tar_name, subject_name + '*'))
path_det = natsorted(path_det)
bg_arr, df_det_mean, df_det_ch1, df_det_ch2, df_det_ch3 = process_raw_data.get_spec(path_det_bg, path_det, row_choose, a, b, img_size=(20, 320))
df_det_mean.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, tar_name+'_det_mean.csv'), index = False)
df_det_ch1.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, tar_name+'_det_ch1.csv'), index = False)
df_det_ch2.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, tar_name+'_det_ch2.csv'), index = False)
df_det_ch3.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, tar_name+'_det_ch3.csv'), index = False)
det_list = [df_det_ch1, df_det_ch2, df_det_ch3]
stat_list = process_raw_data.get_stat(det_list, start_wl, stop_wl)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(16, 8), dpi=300)
for i in range(3):
for j in range(df_det_ch1.shape[1]-1):
ax[i].plot(det_list[i].loc[start_wl:stop_wl, 'wl'], det_list[i].loc[start_wl:stop_wl, f'shot_{j}'])
ax[i].set_title(f'SDS = {SDS_LIST[i]} mm')
ax[i].set_xticks(np.arange(700, 881, 30))
ax[i].set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)')
ax[i].set_ylabel('Intensity (counts)')
ax2 = ax[i].twinx()
ax2.plot(stat_list[i]['wl'], 100 * stat_list[i]['cv'], color='black', linestyle='--')
ax2.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, 10, 6))
fig.suptitle(f'Phantom {tar_name}')
fig.savefig(os.path.join(ofolder, f'{tar_name}.png'))
0%| | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:51<00:00, 51.59s/it]
Sync Spectrapro image data to QEpro format csv file¶
In [12]:
data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, f'{pname[0]}_det_{used_ch}.csv'))
total_wl = data['wl'].to_numpy(dtype=np.float64)
data = data.to_numpy().T
time = [i*time_resolution for i in range(1,data.shape[0])]
df = {'Wavelength (nm)': time}
for idx, wl in enumerate(total_wl):
df[wl] = data[1:,idx]
df = pd.DataFrame(df)
df.to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, f'{subject_name}_SDS1_sync.csv'), index=False)
data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, f'{pname[0]}_det_{used_ch}.csv'))
total_wl = data['wl'].to_numpy(dtype=np.float64)
data = data.to_numpy().T
time = [i*time_resolution for i in range(1,data.shape[0])]
df = {'Wavelength (nm)': time}
for idx, wl in enumerate(total_wl):
df[wl] = data[1:,idx]
df = pd.DataFrame(df)
df.to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, f'{subject_name}_SDS1_sync.csv'), index=False)
Wavelength (nm) | 693.3425 | 696.38 | 699.4175 | 702.4549999999999 | 705.4925000000001 | 708.53 | 711.5675 | 714.605 | 717.6424999999999 | ... | 860.405 | 863.4425 | 866.48 | 869.5175 | 872.5550000000001 | 875.5925 | 878.63 | 881.6675 | 884.705 | 887.7425000000001 | |
0 | 0.10404 | 350.70 | 487.96 | 720.86 | 873.42 | 842.06 | 717.82 | 732.28 | 809.84 | 850.34 | ... | 587.64 | 535.98 | 564.36 | 511.66 | 440.60 | 473.2 | 452.56 | 407.66 | 421.30 | 388.26 |
1 | 0.20808 | 346.70 | 495.96 | 710.86 | 854.42 | 803.06 | 697.82 | 736.28 | 803.84 | 864.34 | ... | 594.64 | 555.98 | 541.36 | 484.66 | 464.60 | 461.2 | 475.56 | 422.66 | 406.30 | 386.26 |
2 | 0.31212 | 344.70 | 449.96 | 703.86 | 862.42 | 774.06 | 714.82 | 731.28 | 797.84 | 814.34 | ... | 530.64 | 554.98 | 513.36 | 481.66 | 456.60 | 443.2 | 467.56 | 405.66 | 413.30 | 368.26 |
3 | 0.41616 | 355.70 | 480.96 | 765.86 | 856.42 | 776.06 | 705.82 | 745.28 | 809.84 | 908.34 | ... | 545.64 | 531.98 | 527.36 | 493.66 | 449.60 | 468.2 | 469.56 | 386.66 | 373.30 | 392.26 |
4 | 0.52020 | 354.42 | 477.96 | 736.86 | 930.42 | 824.06 | 737.82 | 785.28 | 780.84 | 911.34 | ... | 568.64 | 531.98 | 544.36 | 478.66 | 469.84 | 464.2 | 432.56 | 421.66 | 402.30 | 383.26 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
6745 | 701.85384 | 23.24 | 33.96 | 31.58 | 54.94 | 35.66 | 58.32 | 80.50 | 62.32 | 70.28 | ... | 48.64 | 27.50 | 49.24 | 38.88 | 39.84 | 47.9 | 29.14 | 40.22 | 39.02 | 24.04 |
6746 | 701.95788 | 4.24 | 30.28 | 21.58 | 51.28 | 41.62 | 25.32 | 65.28 | 57.28 | 77.28 | ... | 60.48 | 44.50 | 50.24 | 42.88 | 38.60 | 45.9 | 28.56 | 26.22 | 48.30 | 43.04 |
6747 | 702.06192 | 7.24 | 28.28 | 30.58 | 43.28 | 48.62 | 43.32 | 57.54 | 68.84 | 65.28 | ... | 51.48 | 51.98 | 58.36 | 59.66 | 33.84 | 39.9 | 18.14 | 63.22 | 27.84 | 26.26 |
6748 | 702.16596 | 27.24 | 23.28 | 28.58 | 34.28 | 47.66 | 36.50 | 59.50 | 51.32 | 68.34 | ... | 50.64 | 48.98 | 47.36 | 42.88 | 45.84 | 38.9 | 41.14 | 34.22 | 33.30 | 46.26 |
6749 | 702.27000 | 25.24 | 11.28 | 21.58 | 57.28 | 48.62 | 64.82 | 35.50 | 59.32 | 64.34 | ... | 25.48 | 42.68 | 52.36 | 49.88 | 28.60 | 19.2 | 41.14 | 36.22 | 31.02 | 35.26 |
6750 rows × 66 columns
Initialize Processer Instance¶
In [7]:
Processer = process_raw_data(baseline_start=baseline_start,
Processer = process_raw_data(baseline_start=baseline_start,
Process Raw in-vivo Data¶
In [26]:
# load raw data
raw_data, total_wl = Processer.read_file(data_filepath)
# select range 700nm~850nm
idx_700nm = np.argmin(np.abs(total_wl-700))
idx_850nm = np.argmin(np.abs(total_wl-850))
raw_data, total_wl = raw_data[:, idx_700nm:idx_850nm], total_wl[idx_700nm:idx_850nm]
# remove spike
data_no_spike = raw_data.copy()
for ts in range(0, recovery_end, time_interval):
td = ts + time_interval
if ((ts>=exp_start) & (ts<=exp_end)) or ((td>=exp_start) & (td<=exp_end)): # while in the experiment period, don't remove spike
pass # do nothing
data_no_spike[round(ts/time_resolution):round(td/time_resolution)] = Processer.remove_spike(total_wl,
# # moving average
# for i in range(data_no_spike.shape[0]):
# if i == 0:
# moving_avg_I_data, moving_avg_wl_data = process_raw_data.moving_avg(moving_window, total_wl, data_no_spike[i,:])
# moving_avg_I_data = moving_avg_I_data.reshape(1,-1)
# data_moving_avg = moving_avg_I_data
# else:
# moving_avg_I_data, moving_avg_wl_data = process_raw_data.moving_avg(moving_window, total_wl, data_no_spike[i,:])
# moving_avg_I_data = moving_avg_I_data.reshape(1,-1)
# data_moving_avg = np.concatenate((data_moving_avg,moving_avg_I_data))
## EMD
data_EMD = data_no_spike.copy()
# remove all-time signal based at first
imfs = EMD().emd(data_no_spike.mean(axis=1))
imfs[-1] -= imfs[-1].mean()
artifact = imfs[-1]
# remove artifact
for art in artifact:
data_EMD -= art.reshape(-1, 1)
# detect peak
# get straight signal to find peaks
straight_signal = data_no_spike.copy()
# remove all-time signal based at first
imfs = EMD().emd(data_no_spike.mean(axis=1))
imfs[-1] -= imfs[-1].mean()
artifact = imfs[2:]
# remove artifact
for art in artifact:
straight_signal -= art.reshape(-1, 1)
is_peak = np.zeros(straight_signal.shape[0])
for ts in range(0, recovery_end, time_interval):
td = ts+time_interval
data_signal = straight_signal[round(ts/time_resolution):round(td/time_resolution), :].mean(axis=1)
max_idx, min_idx = process_raw_data.get_peak_final(data_signal)
is_peak[min_idx + round(ts/time_resolution)] = -1
is_peak[max_idx + round(ts/time_resolution)] = 1
# save result
save_result = {}
time = [i*time_resolution for i in range(data_no_spike.shape[0])]
save_result['time(s)'] = time
save_result['peak'] = is_peak # max:+1, min:-1
for idx, using_wl in enumerate(total_wl):
save_result[f'{using_wl}nm'] = data_EMD[:,idx]
save_result = pd.DataFrame(save_result)
save_result.to_csv(os.path.join("dataset", mother_folder_name, f"in_vivo_result_{exp}.csv"), index=False)
# load raw data
raw_data, total_wl = Processer.read_file(data_filepath)
# select range 700nm~850nm
idx_700nm = np.argmin(np.abs(total_wl-700))
idx_850nm = np.argmin(np.abs(total_wl-850))
raw_data, total_wl = raw_data[:, idx_700nm:idx_850nm], total_wl[idx_700nm:idx_850nm]
# remove spike
data_no_spike = raw_data.copy()
for ts in range(0, recovery_end, time_interval):
td = ts + time_interval
if ((ts>=exp_start) & (ts<=exp_end)) or ((td>=exp_start) & (td<=exp_end)): # while in the experiment period, don't remove spike
pass # do nothing
data_no_spike[round(ts/time_resolution):round(td/time_resolution)] = Processer.remove_spike(total_wl,
# # moving average
# for i in range(data_no_spike.shape[0]):
# if i == 0:
# moving_avg_I_data, moving_avg_wl_data = process_raw_data.moving_avg(moving_window, total_wl, data_no_spike[i,:])
# moving_avg_I_data = moving_avg_I_data.reshape(1,-1)
# data_moving_avg = moving_avg_I_data
# else:
# moving_avg_I_data, moving_avg_wl_data = process_raw_data.moving_avg(moving_window, total_wl, data_no_spike[i,:])
# moving_avg_I_data = moving_avg_I_data.reshape(1,-1)
# data_moving_avg = np.concatenate((data_moving_avg,moving_avg_I_data))
## EMD
data_EMD = data_no_spike.copy()
# remove all-time signal based at first
imfs = EMD().emd(data_no_spike.mean(axis=1))
imfs[-1] -= imfs[-1].mean()
artifact = imfs[-1]
# remove artifact
for art in artifact:
data_EMD -= art.reshape(-1, 1)
# detect peak
# get straight signal to find peaks
straight_signal = data_no_spike.copy()
# remove all-time signal based at first
imfs = EMD().emd(data_no_spike.mean(axis=1))
imfs[-1] -= imfs[-1].mean()
artifact = imfs[2:]
# remove artifact
for art in artifact:
straight_signal -= art.reshape(-1, 1)
is_peak = np.zeros(straight_signal.shape[0])
for ts in range(0, recovery_end, time_interval):
td = ts+time_interval
data_signal = straight_signal[round(ts/time_resolution):round(td/time_resolution), :].mean(axis=1)
max_idx, min_idx = process_raw_data.get_peak_final(data_signal)
is_peak[min_idx + round(ts/time_resolution)] = -1
is_peak[max_idx + round(ts/time_resolution)] = 1
# save result
save_result = {}
time = [i*time_resolution for i in range(data_no_spike.shape[0])]
save_result['time(s)'] = time
save_result['peak'] = is_peak # max:+1, min:-1
for idx, using_wl in enumerate(total_wl):
save_result[f'{using_wl}nm'] = data_EMD[:,idx]
save_result = pd.DataFrame(save_result)
save_result.to_csv(os.path.join("dataset", mother_folder_name, f"in_vivo_result_{exp}.csv"), index=False)
target = [] target = [] target = [] target = [] target = [] target = [] target = [] target = [] target = [] target = [] target = [] target = [] target = [] target = [] target = [] target = [] target = [] target = [] target = [] target = [] target = []
Plot Raw Data¶
In [31]:
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 20})
time = [i*time_resolution for i in range(raw_data.shape[0])]
plt.plot(time, raw_data.mean(1))
plt.axvline(x=baseline_end, linestyle='--', color='b', label='baseline_end')
plt.axvline(x=exp_end, linestyle='--', color='r', label=f'{exp}_end')
plt.axvline(recovery_end, linestyle='--', color='g', label='recovery_end')
plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5),
fancybox=True, shadow=True)
plt.xlabel("time [sec]")
plt.savefig(os.path.join('pic', mother_folder_name, 'time', 'raw_all_time_SDS20.png'), dpi=300, format='png', bbox_inches='tight')
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 20})
time = [i*time_resolution for i in range(raw_data.shape[0])]
plt.plot(time, raw_data.mean(1))
plt.axvline(x=baseline_end, linestyle='--', color='b', label='baseline_end')
plt.axvline(x=exp_end, linestyle='--', color='r', label=f'{exp}_end')
plt.axvline(recovery_end, linestyle='--', color='g', label='recovery_end')
plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5),
fancybox=True, shadow=True)
plt.xlabel("time [sec]")
plt.savefig(os.path.join('pic', mother_folder_name, 'time', 'raw_all_time_SDS20.png'), dpi=300, format='png', bbox_inches='tight')
In [30]:
max_id = np.where(save_result['peak']==1)[0]
min_id = np.where(save_result['peak']==-1)[0]
max_id = max_id[np.where(max_id<round(recovery_end/time_resolution))[0]]
min_id = min_id[np.where(min_id<round(recovery_end/time_resolution))[0]]
time = save_result['time(s)']
plt.plot(time, data_EMD.mean(1))
plt.axvline(x=baseline_end, linestyle='--', color='b', label='baseline_end')
plt.axvline(x=exp_end, linestyle='--', color='r', label=f'{exp}_end')
plt.axvline(recovery_end, linestyle='--', color='g', label='recovery_end')
plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5),
fancybox=True, shadow=True)
plt.plot(time[max_id], data_EMD.mean(1)[max_id], 'r.')
plt.plot(time[min_id], data_EMD.mean(1)[min_id], 'b.')
plt.xlabel("time [sec]")
plt.savefig(os.path.join('pic', mother_folder_name, 'time', 'processed_all_time_SDS10.png'), dpi=300, format='png', bbox_inches='tight')
max_id = np.where(save_result['peak']==1)[0]
min_id = np.where(save_result['peak']==-1)[0]
max_id = max_id[np.where(max_id
In [32]:
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 12})
for using_num_IMF in [1,2,3]:
for ts in range(0,recovery_end,time_interval):
td = ts + time_interval
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 12})
for using_num_IMF in [1,2,3]:
for ts in range(0,recovery_end,time_interval):
td = ts + time_interval
d:\ijv_code_new\IJV-Project\in_vivo_experiments\ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice. R_max_spec = data[max_idx_subset, :].mean(0) d:\ijv_code_new\venv\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide ret = um.true_divide( d:\ijv_code_new\IJV-Project\in_vivo_experiments\ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice. R_min_spec = data[min_idx_subset, :].mean(0)
Phantom Calibration¶
Process spectrapro+EMCCD raw phantom data¶
In [36]:
# %% Load target spectrum
folder_list = glob(os.path.join(ifolder, '*'))
stdname = 'standard0.1'
if any(stdname in folder_list[i] for i in range(len(folder_list))):
path_det_bg = glob(os.path.join(ifolder, stdname, 'background*'))
path_det_bg = natsorted(path_det_bg)
path_det = glob(os.path.join(ifolder, stdname, 'std*'))
path_det = natsorted(path_det)
bg_arr, df_det_mean, df_det_ch1, df_det_ch2, df_det_ch3 = process_raw_data.get_spec(path_det_bg, path_det, row_choose, a, b, img_size=(20, 320))
df_det_mean.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, stdname+'_det_mean.csv'), index = False)
df_det_ch1.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, stdname+'_det_ch1.csv'), index = False)
df_det_ch2.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, stdname+'_det_ch2.csv'), index = False)
df_det_ch3.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, stdname+'_det_ch3.csv'), index = False)
for tar_name in tqdm(phantom_measured_ID):
path_det_bg = glob(os.path.join(ifolder, tar_name, 'background*'))
path_det_bg = natsorted(path_det_bg)
path_det = glob(os.path.join(ifolder, tar_name, tar_name + '*'))
path_det = natsorted(path_det)
bg_arr, df_det_mean, df_det_ch1, df_det_ch2, df_det_ch3 = process_raw_data.get_spec(path_det_bg, path_det, row_choose, a, b, img_size=(20, 320))
df_det_mean.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, tar_name+'_det_mean.csv'), index = False)
df_det_ch1.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, tar_name+'_det_ch1.csv'), index = False)
df_det_ch2.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, tar_name+'_det_ch2.csv'), index = False)
df_det_ch3.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, tar_name+'_det_ch3.csv'), index = False)
det_list = [df_det_ch1, df_det_ch2, df_det_ch3]
stat_list = process_raw_data.get_stat(det_list, start_wl, stop_wl)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(16, 8), dpi=300)
for i in range(3):
for j in range(df_det_ch1.shape[1]-1):
ax[i].plot(det_list[i].loc[start_wl:stop_wl, 'wl'], det_list[i].loc[start_wl:stop_wl, f'shot_{j}'])
ax[i].set_title(f'SDS = {SDS_LIST[i]} mm')
ax[i].set_xticks(np.arange(700, 881, 30))
ax[i].set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)')
ax[i].set_ylabel('Intensity (counts)')
ax2 = ax[i].twinx()
ax2.plot(stat_list[i]['wl'], 100 * stat_list[i]['cv'], color='black', linestyle='--')
ax2.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, 10, 6))
fig.suptitle(f'Phantom {tar_name}')
fig.savefig(os.path.join(ofolder, f'{tar_name}.png'))
# %% Load target spectrum
folder_list = glob(os.path.join(ifolder, '*'))
stdname = 'standard0.1'
if any(stdname in folder_list[i] for i in range(len(folder_list))):
path_det_bg = glob(os.path.join(ifolder, stdname, 'background*'))
path_det_bg = natsorted(path_det_bg)
path_det = glob(os.path.join(ifolder, stdname, 'std*'))
path_det = natsorted(path_det)
bg_arr, df_det_mean, df_det_ch1, df_det_ch2, df_det_ch3 = process_raw_data.get_spec(path_det_bg, path_det, row_choose, a, b, img_size=(20, 320))
df_det_mean.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, stdname+'_det_mean.csv'), index = False)
df_det_ch1.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, stdname+'_det_ch1.csv'), index = False)
df_det_ch2.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, stdname+'_det_ch2.csv'), index = False)
df_det_ch3.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, stdname+'_det_ch3.csv'), index = False)
for tar_name in tqdm(phantom_measured_ID):
path_det_bg = glob(os.path.join(ifolder, tar_name, 'background*'))
path_det_bg = natsorted(path_det_bg)
path_det = glob(os.path.join(ifolder, tar_name, tar_name + '*'))
path_det = natsorted(path_det)
bg_arr, df_det_mean, df_det_ch1, df_det_ch2, df_det_ch3 = process_raw_data.get_spec(path_det_bg, path_det, row_choose, a, b, img_size=(20, 320))
df_det_mean.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, tar_name+'_det_mean.csv'), index = False)
df_det_ch1.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, tar_name+'_det_ch1.csv'), index = False)
df_det_ch2.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, tar_name+'_det_ch2.csv'), index = False)
df_det_ch3.loc[start_wl:stop_wl, :].to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, tar_name+'_det_ch3.csv'), index = False)
det_list = [df_det_ch1, df_det_ch2, df_det_ch3]
stat_list = process_raw_data.get_stat(det_list, start_wl, stop_wl)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(16, 8), dpi=300)
for i in range(3):
for j in range(df_det_ch1.shape[1]-1):
ax[i].plot(det_list[i].loc[start_wl:stop_wl, 'wl'], det_list[i].loc[start_wl:stop_wl, f'shot_{j}'])
ax[i].set_title(f'SDS = {SDS_LIST[i]} mm')
ax[i].set_xticks(np.arange(700, 881, 30))
ax[i].set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)')
ax[i].set_ylabel('Intensity (counts)')
ax2 = ax[i].twinx()
ax2.plot(stat_list[i]['wl'], 100 * stat_list[i]['cv'], color='black', linestyle='--')
ax2.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, 10, 6))
fig.suptitle(f'Phantom {tar_name}')
fig.savefig(os.path.join(ofolder, f'{tar_name}.png'))
100%|██████████| 4/4 [00:07<00:00, 1.82s/it]
Sync spectraprofile to QEpro file¶
In [37]:
for phantom_ID in phantom_measured_ID:
data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, f'{phantom_ID}_det_ch3.csv'))
total_wl = data['wl'].to_numpy(dtype=np.float64)
data = data.to_numpy().T
time = [i*time_resolution for i in range(1,data.shape[0])]
df = {'Wavelength (nm)': time}
for idx, wl in enumerate(total_wl):
df[wl] = data[1:,idx]
df = pd.DataFrame(df)
df.to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, f'{phantom_ID}_SDS1_sync.csv'), index=False)
for phantom_ID in phantom_measured_ID:
data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, f'{phantom_ID}_det_ch3.csv'))
total_wl = data['wl'].to_numpy(dtype=np.float64)
data = data.to_numpy().T
time = [i*time_resolution for i in range(1,data.shape[0])]
df = {'Wavelength (nm)': time}
for idx, wl in enumerate(total_wl):
df[wl] = data[1:,idx]
df = pd.DataFrame(df)
df.to_csv(os.path.join(ofolder, f'{phantom_ID}_SDS1_sync.csv'), index=False)
Wavelength (nm) | 693.3425 | 696.38 | 699.4175 | 702.4549999999999 | 705.4925000000001 | 708.53 | 711.5675 | 714.605 | 717.6424999999999 | ... | 860.405 | 863.4425 | 866.48 | 869.5175 | 872.5550000000001 | 875.5925 | 878.63 | 881.6675 | 884.705 | 887.7425000000001 | |
0 | 0.10404 | 225.04 | 273.6 | 315.66 | 394.44 | 415.86 | 558.08 | 671.5 | 776.1 | 872.5 | ... | 2733.9 | 2653.7 | 2626.4 | 2502.22 | 2552.84 | 2401.76 | 2340.26 | 2256.66 | 2073.3 | 2075.82 |
1 | 0.20808 | 234.04 | 267.6 | 299.66 | 396.44 | 433.86 | 534.08 | 644.5 | 771.1 | 871.5 | ... | 2761.9 | 2657.7 | 2574.4 | 2474.22 | 2481.84 | 2394.76 | 2342.26 | 2274.66 | 2111.3 | 2075.82 |
2 | 0.31212 | 221.04 | 257.6 | 324.66 | 373.44 | 433.86 | 570.08 | 656.5 | 785.1 | 859.5 | ... | 2801.9 | 2656.7 | 2630.4 | 2517.22 | 2556.84 | 2446.76 | 2352.26 | 2205.66 | 2078.3 | 2072.82 |
3 | 0.41616 | 237.04 | 254.6 | 295.66 | 372.44 | 434.86 | 577.08 | 680.5 | 788.1 | 870.5 | ... | 2761.9 | 2663.7 | 2660.4 | 2523.22 | 2491.84 | 2402.76 | 2288.26 | 2268.66 | 2067.3 | 2050.82 |
4 | 0.52020 | 200.04 | 270.6 | 305.66 | 350.44 | 463.86 | 550.08 | 664.5 | 809.1 | 862.5 | ... | 2775.9 | 2748.7 | 2637.4 | 2493.22 | 2510.84 | 2422.76 | 2352.26 | 2263.66 | 2032.3 | 2109.82 |
5 | 0.62424 | 236.04 | 247.6 | 321.66 | 379.44 | 444.86 | 553.08 | 671.5 | 770.1 | 882.5 | ... | 2774.9 | 2640.7 | 2645.4 | 2515.22 | 2533.84 | 2392.76 | 2374.26 | 2214.66 | 2117.3 | 2065.82 |
6 | 0.72828 | 224.04 | 231.6 | 305.66 | 369.44 | 443.86 | 561.08 | 651.5 | 793.1 | 872.5 | ... | 2782.9 | 2660.7 | 2619.4 | 2485.22 | 2519.84 | 2406.76 | 2336.26 | 2261.66 | 2064.3 | 2044.82 |
7 | 0.83232 | 227.04 | 266.6 | 321.66 | 375.44 | 447.86 | 549.08 | 659.5 | 778.1 | 872.5 | ... | 2771.9 | 2625.7 | 2634.4 | 2467.22 | 2540.84 | 2423.76 | 2381.26 | 2259.66 | 2129.3 | 2080.82 |
8 | 0.93636 | 223.04 | 263.6 | 338.66 | 387.44 | 435.86 | 548.08 | 646.5 | 760.1 | 893.5 | ... | 2783.9 | 2664.7 | 2580.4 | 2515.22 | 2521.84 | 2402.76 | 2374.26 | 2260.66 | 2126.3 | 2052.82 |
9 | 1.04040 | 223.04 | 266.6 | 295.66 | 365.44 | 448.86 | 562.08 | 647.5 | 748.1 | 884.5 | ... | 2768.9 | 2708.7 | 2616.4 | 2516.22 | 2505.84 | 2410.76 | 2335.26 | 2259.66 | 2117.3 | 2068.82 |
10 | 1.14444 | 225.04 | 265.6 | 323.66 | 363.44 | 438.86 | 537.08 | 660.5 | 776.1 | 871.5 | ... | 2824.9 | 2675.7 | 2593.4 | 2540.22 | 2530.84 | 2370.76 | 2359.26 | 2274.66 | 2096.3 | 2070.82 |
11 | 1.24848 | 207.04 | 270.6 | 296.66 | 365.44 | 480.86 | 534.08 | 649.5 | 779.1 | 886.5 | ... | 2802.9 | 2654.7 | 2630.4 | 2480.22 | 2522.84 | 2390.76 | 2346.26 | 2213.66 | 2049.3 | 2035.82 |
12 | 1.35252 | 230.04 | 250.6 | 334.66 | 394.44 | 455.86 | 559.08 | 680.5 | 782.1 | 865.5 | ... | 2797.9 | 2621.7 | 2648.4 | 2531.22 | 2542.84 | 2388.76 | 2339.26 | 2267.66 | 2032.3 | 2041.82 |
13 | 1.45656 | 224.04 | 255.6 | 294.66 | 379.44 | 448.86 | 542.08 | 654.5 | 775.1 | 851.5 | ... | 2794.9 | 2682.7 | 2637.4 | 2526.22 | 2515.84 | 2426.76 | 2354.26 | 2242.66 | 2070.3 | 2083.82 |
14 | 1.56060 | 217.04 | 272.6 | 293.66 | 366.44 | 453.86 | 550.08 | 655.5 | 760.1 | 842.5 | ... | 2797.9 | 2673.7 | 2624.4 | 2559.22 | 2533.84 | 2422.76 | 2363.26 | 2252.66 | 2082.3 | 2036.82 |
15 | 1.66464 | 225.04 | 261.6 | 321.66 | 386.44 | 452.86 | 538.08 | 644.5 | 769.1 | 868.5 | ... | 2753.9 | 2699.7 | 2616.4 | 2512.22 | 2525.84 | 2394.76 | 2320.26 | 2255.66 | 2093.3 | 2060.82 |
16 | 1.76868 | 221.04 | 281.6 | 313.66 | 378.44 | 455.86 | 557.08 | 659.5 | 792.1 | 859.5 | ... | 2789.9 | 2678.7 | 2659.4 | 2485.22 | 2562.84 | 2393.76 | 2353.26 | 2238.66 | 2100.3 | 2102.82 |
17 | 1.87272 | 228.04 | 249.6 | 316.66 | 369.44 | 456.86 | 556.08 | 648.5 | 784.1 | 852.5 | ... | 2796.9 | 2686.7 | 2656.4 | 2508.22 | 2534.84 | 2367.76 | 2396.26 | 2250.66 | 2062.3 | 2078.82 |
18 | 1.97676 | 217.04 | 263.6 | 316.66 | 391.44 | 435.86 | 529.08 | 654.5 | 758.1 | 871.5 | ... | 2798.9 | 2657.7 | 2595.4 | 2503.22 | 2493.84 | 2425.76 | 2325.26 | 2233.66 | 2131.3 | 2105.82 |
19 | 2.08080 | 207.04 | 242.6 | 311.66 | 381.44 | 443.86 | 526.08 | 666.5 | 789.1 | 856.5 | ... | 2840.9 | 2624.7 | 2640.4 | 2512.22 | 2537.84 | 2417.76 | 2301.26 | 2275.66 | 2124.3 | 2084.82 |
20 | 2.18484 | 227.04 | 242.6 | 330.66 | 380.44 | 430.86 | 537.08 | 669.5 | 767.1 | 866.5 | ... | 2809.9 | 2673.7 | 2640.4 | 2500.22 | 2483.84 | 2373.76 | 2396.26 | 2242.66 | 2108.3 | 2085.82 |
21 | 2.28888 | 226.04 | 260.6 | 323.66 | 359.44 | 440.86 | 546.08 | 644.5 | 778.1 | 873.5 | ... | 2797.9 | 2681.7 | 2646.4 | 2498.22 | 2572.84 | 2396.76 | 2365.26 | 2231.66 | 2070.3 | 2062.82 |
22 | 2.39292 | 221.04 | 288.6 | 310.66 | 369.44 | 447.86 | 552.08 | 663.5 | 749.1 | 893.5 | ... | 2802.9 | 2663.7 | 2634.4 | 2490.22 | 2517.84 | 2407.76 | 2382.26 | 2244.66 | 2075.3 | 2116.82 |
23 | 2.49696 | 235.04 | 233.6 | 320.66 | 346.44 | 455.86 | 536.08 | 663.5 | 757.1 | 883.5 | ... | 2793.9 | 2647.7 | 2608.4 | 2477.22 | 2462.84 | 2417.76 | 2329.26 | 2217.66 | 2071.3 | 2097.82 |
24 | 2.60100 | 241.04 | 259.6 | 293.66 | 372.44 | 445.86 | 545.08 | 666.5 | 764.1 | 870.5 | ... | 2798.9 | 2664.7 | 2636.4 | 2521.22 | 2546.84 | 2388.76 | 2313.26 | 2266.66 | 2072.3 | 2073.82 |
25 | 2.70504 | 212.04 | 256.6 | 303.66 | 386.44 | 455.86 | 568.08 | 664.5 | 747.1 | 861.5 | ... | 2785.9 | 2712.7 | 2651.4 | 2502.22 | 2525.84 | 2399.76 | 2351.26 | 2228.66 | 2101.3 | 2039.82 |
26 | 2.80908 | 220.04 | 267.6 | 320.66 | 385.44 | 438.86 | 546.08 | 667.5 | 740.1 | 863.5 | ... | 2856.9 | 2621.7 | 2664.4 | 2484.22 | 2466.84 | 2380.76 | 2357.26 | 2298.66 | 2068.3 | 2083.82 |
27 | 2.91312 | 221.04 | 256.6 | 326.66 | 370.44 | 440.86 | 545.08 | 656.5 | 796.1 | 858.5 | ... | 2747.9 | 2704.7 | 2621.4 | 2484.22 | 2550.84 | 2411.76 | 2390.26 | 2244.66 | 2052.3 | 2075.82 |
28 | 3.01716 | 219.04 | 273.6 | 296.66 | 371.44 | 459.86 | 541.08 | 618.5 | 762.1 | 875.5 | ... | 2815.9 | 2666.7 | 2592.4 | 2503.22 | 2535.84 | 2387.76 | 2334.26 | 2247.66 | 2064.3 | 2055.82 |
29 | 3.12120 | 223.04 | 272.6 | 315.66 | 378.44 | 444.86 | 559.08 | 662.5 | 761.1 | 848.5 | ... | 2731.9 | 2650.7 | 2581.4 | 2509.22 | 2487.84 | 2418.76 | 2395.26 | 2278.66 | 2111.3 | 2070.82 |
30 | 3.22524 | 237.04 | 254.6 | 316.66 | 368.44 | 448.86 | 555.08 | 664.5 | 777.1 | 879.5 | ... | 2765.9 | 2671.7 | 2658.4 | 2494.22 | 2542.84 | 2386.76 | 2376.26 | 2282.66 | 2068.3 | 2070.82 |
31 | 3.32928 | 230.04 | 254.6 | 332.66 | 379.44 | 453.86 | 560.08 | 665.5 | 733.1 | 869.5 | ... | 2792.9 | 2650.7 | 2688.4 | 2483.22 | 2500.84 | 2405.76 | 2367.26 | 2216.66 | 2091.3 | 2085.82 |
32 | 3.43332 | 237.04 | 266.6 | 300.66 | 395.44 | 462.86 | 545.08 | 667.5 | 772.1 | 840.5 | ... | 2823.9 | 2588.7 | 2654.4 | 2502.22 | 2500.84 | 2396.76 | 2358.26 | 2242.66 | 2048.3 | 2049.82 |
33 | 3.53736 | 222.04 | 244.6 | 315.66 | 369.44 | 480.86 | 518.08 | 666.5 | 757.1 | 859.5 | ... | 2733.9 | 2672.7 | 2585.4 | 2526.22 | 2538.84 | 2362.76 | 2344.26 | 2282.66 | 2079.3 | 2057.82 |
34 | 3.64140 | 230.04 | 253.6 | 317.66 | 373.44 | 455.86 | 540.08 | 678.5 | 766.1 | 856.5 | ... | 2816.9 | 2606.7 | 2683.4 | 2499.22 | 2531.84 | 2414.76 | 2347.26 | 2252.66 | 2053.3 | 2070.82 |
35 | 3.74544 | 216.04 | 262.6 | 332.66 | 379.44 | 470.86 | 545.08 | 636.5 | 813.1 | 858.5 | ... | 2756.9 | 2673.7 | 2625.4 | 2471.22 | 2608.84 | 2382.76 | 2294.26 | 2259.66 | 2107.3 | 2118.82 |
36 | 3.84948 | 231.04 | 266.6 | 313.66 | 374.44 | 459.86 | 519.08 | 669.5 | 774.1 | 846.5 | ... | 2755.9 | 2687.7 | 2606.4 | 2473.22 | 2483.84 | 2376.76 | 2363.26 | 2229.66 | 2066.3 | 2039.82 |
37 | 3.95352 | 224.04 | 278.6 | 308.66 | 359.44 | 447.86 | 551.08 | 675.5 | 781.1 | 849.5 | ... | 2789.9 | 2653.7 | 2601.4 | 2558.22 | 2488.84 | 2351.76 | 2359.26 | 2232.66 | 2089.3 | 2108.82 |
38 | 4.05756 | 232.04 | 275.6 | 312.66 | 386.44 | 431.86 | 545.08 | 636.5 | 783.1 | 837.5 | ... | 2738.9 | 2694.7 | 2661.4 | 2507.22 | 2539.84 | 2361.76 | 2408.26 | 2270.66 | 2087.3 | 2053.82 |
39 | 4.16160 | 229.04 | 255.6 | 313.66 | 368.44 | 439.86 | 552.08 | 650.5 | 756.1 | 850.5 | ... | 2816.9 | 2636.7 | 2644.4 | 2491.22 | 2535.84 | 2364.76 | 2330.26 | 2200.66 | 2068.3 | 2078.82 |
40 | 4.26564 | 228.04 | 262.6 | 311.66 | 362.44 | 456.86 | 552.08 | 663.5 | 770.1 | 871.5 | ... | 2780.9 | 2655.7 | 2645.4 | 2498.22 | 2560.84 | 2418.76 | 2329.26 | 2263.66 | 2122.3 | 2082.82 |
41 | 4.36968 | 218.04 | 243.6 | 316.66 | 362.44 | 441.86 | 537.08 | 669.5 | 774.1 | 867.5 | ... | 2769.9 | 2680.7 | 2581.4 | 2519.22 | 2518.84 | 2365.76 | 2336.26 | 2267.66 | 2113.3 | 2026.82 |
42 | 4.47372 | 229.04 | 242.6 | 306.66 | 363.44 | 441.86 | 547.08 | 676.5 | 793.1 | 873.5 | ... | 2786.9 | 2645.7 | 2608.4 | 2491.22 | 2526.84 | 2365.76 | 2341.26 | 2254.66 | 2042.3 | 2068.82 |
43 | 4.57776 | 232.04 | 259.6 | 333.66 | 364.44 | 454.86 | 543.08 | 649.5 | 786.1 | 853.5 | ... | 2773.9 | 2642.7 | 2630.4 | 2486.22 | 2534.84 | 2386.76 | 2352.26 | 2208.66 | 2047.3 | 2064.82 |
44 | 4.68180 | 206.04 | 252.6 | 325.66 | 360.44 | 444.86 | 564.08 | 655.5 | 789.1 | 865.5 | ... | 2780.9 | 2680.7 | 2585.4 | 2524.22 | 2527.84 | 2376.76 | 2302.26 | 2247.66 | 2084.3 | 2079.82 |
45 | 4.78584 | 210.04 | 255.6 | 321.66 | 382.44 | 443.86 | 540.08 | 671.5 | 767.1 | 879.5 | ... | 2724.9 | 2705.7 | 2653.4 | 2480.22 | 2536.84 | 2364.76 | 2364.26 | 2226.66 | 2066.3 | 2077.82 |
46 | 4.88988 | 211.04 | 252.6 | 318.66 | 360.44 | 443.86 | 567.08 | 650.5 | 753.1 | 868.5 | ... | 2788.9 | 2727.7 | 2648.4 | 2526.22 | 2548.84 | 2366.76 | 2314.26 | 2234.66 | 2123.3 | 2064.82 |
47 | 4.99392 | 229.04 | 246.6 | 307.66 | 390.44 | 421.86 | 529.08 | 670.5 | 785.1 | 865.5 | ... | 2796.9 | 2657.7 | 2635.4 | 2483.22 | 2568.84 | 2397.76 | 2348.26 | 2252.66 | 2071.3 | 2043.82 |
48 | 5.09796 | 236.04 | 262.6 | 326.66 | 378.44 | 436.86 | 564.08 | 651.5 | 752.1 | 885.5 | ... | 2803.9 | 2646.7 | 2616.4 | 2519.22 | 2463.84 | 2383.76 | 2366.26 | 2257.66 | 2091.3 | 2018.82 |
49 | 5.20200 | 221.04 | 266.6 | 309.66 | 367.44 | 472.86 | 551.08 | 700.5 | 765.1 | 883.5 | ... | 2733.9 | 2678.7 | 2662.4 | 2559.22 | 2487.84 | 2374.76 | 2341.26 | 2263.66 | 2073.3 | 2067.82 |
50 rows × 66 columns
Load measured phantom data¶
In [ ]:
# get measured phantom data
phantom_data = {} # CHIK3456
for ID in phantom_measured_ID:
# define plot savepath
os.makedirs(os.path.join("pic", mother_folder_name, 'phantom', ID), exist_ok=True)
# import measured data
data, total_wl = process_raw_data.read_file(os.path.join(ofolder, f'{ID}_SDS1_sync.csv'))
# remove spike
remove_spike_data = process_phantom.remove_spike(total_wl, data,
savepath=os.path.join("pic", mother_folder_name,'phantom', ID)) # remove spike
time_mean_data = remove_spike_data.mean(0) # mean of measured signal
# plt.plot(data.mean(1))
# plt.plot(remove_spike_data.mean(1), 'o--')
phantom_data[ID] = time_mean_data
# get measured phantom data
phantom_data = {} # CHIK3456
for ID in phantom_measured_ID:
# define plot savepath
os.makedirs(os.path.join("pic", mother_folder_name, 'phantom', ID), exist_ok=True)
# import measured data
data, total_wl = process_raw_data.read_file(os.path.join(ofolder, f'{ID}_SDS1_sync.csv'))
# remove spike
remove_spike_data = process_phantom.remove_spike(total_wl, data,
savepath=os.path.join("pic", mother_folder_name,'phantom', ID)) # remove spike
time_mean_data = remove_spike_data.mean(0) # mean of measured signal
# plt.plot(data.mean(1))
# plt.plot(remove_spike_data.mean(1), 'o--')
phantom_data[ID] = time_mean_data
Load simulated phantom data¶
In [39]:
# load used wavelength
with open(os.path.join("OPs_used", "wavelength.json"), "r") as f:
wavelength = json.load(f)
wavelength = wavelength['wavelength']
# load used wavelength
with open(os.path.join("OPs_used", "wavelength.json"), "r") as f:
wavelength = json.load(f)
wavelength = wavelength['wavelength']
In [40]:
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18})
## Get the same simulated wavelength point from measured phantom
measured_phantom_data = []
# Cubic spline interpolation"
for idx, out_k in enumerate(phantom_data.keys()):
data = phantom_data[out_k]
f_interpolate = interp1d(total_wl, data, kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate')
used_wl_data = f_interpolate(wavelength)
plt.plot(wavelength, used_wl_data, 'o--', label=f'phantom_{phantom_measured_ID[idx]}')
plt.title("SDS=10mm, measured phantom spectrum")
plt.xlabel('wavelength (nm)')
plt.savefig(os.path.join("pic", mother_folder_name, 'phantom', "measured_phantom_adjust_wl.png"), dpi=300, format='png', bbox_inches='tight')
measured_phantom_data = np.array(measured_phantom_data)
## Get simulated phantom data
sim_phantom_data = []
for c in phantom_simulated_ID:
data = np.load(os.path.join("dataset", "phantom_simulated", f'{c}.npy'))
plt.plot(wavelength, data[:,SDS_idx], 'o--',label=f'phantom_{c}')
plt.title("SDS=10mm, simulated phantom spectrum")
plt.xlabel('wavelength (nm)')
plt.savefig(os.path.join("pic", mother_folder_name, 'phantom', "simulated_phantom_adjust_wl.png"), dpi=300, format='png', bbox_inches='tight')
sim_phantom_data = np.array(sim_phantom_data)
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18})
## Get the same simulated wavelength point from measured phantom
measured_phantom_data = []
# Cubic spline interpolation"
for idx, out_k in enumerate(phantom_data.keys()):
data = phantom_data[out_k]
f_interpolate = interp1d(total_wl, data, kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate')
used_wl_data = f_interpolate(wavelength)
plt.plot(wavelength, used_wl_data, 'o--', label=f'phantom_{phantom_measured_ID[idx]}')
plt.title("SDS=10mm, measured phantom spectrum")
plt.xlabel('wavelength (nm)')
plt.savefig(os.path.join("pic", mother_folder_name, 'phantom', "measured_phantom_adjust_wl.png"), dpi=300, format='png', bbox_inches='tight')
measured_phantom_data = np.array(measured_phantom_data)
## Get simulated phantom data
sim_phantom_data = []
for c in phantom_simulated_ID:
data = np.load(os.path.join("dataset", "phantom_simulated", f'{c}.npy'))
plt.plot(wavelength, data[:,SDS_idx], 'o--',label=f'phantom_{c}')
plt.title("SDS=10mm, simulated phantom spectrum")
plt.xlabel('wavelength (nm)')
plt.savefig(os.path.join("pic", mother_folder_name, 'phantom', "simulated_phantom_adjust_wl.png"), dpi=300, format='png', bbox_inches='tight')
sim_phantom_data = np.array(sim_phantom_data)
Fit measured phantom and simulated phantom¶
In [41]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18,12))
fig.suptitle(f"SDS = {using_SDS} mm", fontsize=16)
count = 1
for idx, used_wl in enumerate(wavelength):
## fit measured phantom and simulated phantom
z = np.polyfit(measured_phantom_data[:, idx], sim_phantom_data[:,idx], 1)
plotx = np.linspace(measured_phantom_data[-1, idx]*0.8, measured_phantom_data[0, idx]*1.2,100)
ploty = plotx*z[0] + z[1]
calibrate_data = measured_phantom_data[:, idx]*z[0] + z[1]
R_square = process_phantom.cal_R_square(calibrate_data, sim_phantom_data[:,idx]) # cal R square
## plot result
ax = plt.subplot(5,4, count)
ax.set_title(f"@wavelength={used_wl} nm")
ax.set_title(f'{used_wl}nm, $R^{2}$={R_square:.2f}')
for ID_idx, ID in enumerate(phantom_measured_ID):
ax.plot(measured_phantom_data[ID_idx, idx], sim_phantom_data[ID_idx,idx], 's', label=f'phantom_{ID}')
ax.plot(plotx, ploty, '--')
ax.set_xlabel("measure intensity")
ax.set_ylabel("sim intensity")
count += 1
plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5),
fancybox=True, shadow=True)
plt.savefig(os.path.join('pic', mother_folder_name, 'phantom', "all.png"), dpi=300, format='png', bbox_inches='tight')
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18,12))
fig.suptitle(f"SDS = {using_SDS} mm", fontsize=16)
count = 1
for idx, used_wl in enumerate(wavelength):
## fit measured phantom and simulated phantom
z = np.polyfit(measured_phantom_data[:, idx], sim_phantom_data[:,idx], 1)
plotx = np.linspace(measured_phantom_data[-1, idx]*0.8, measured_phantom_data[0, idx]*1.2,100)
ploty = plotx*z[0] + z[1]
calibrate_data = measured_phantom_data[:, idx]*z[0] + z[1]
R_square = process_phantom.cal_R_square(calibrate_data, sim_phantom_data[:,idx]) # cal R square
## plot result
ax = plt.subplot(5,4, count)
ax.set_title(f"@wavelength={used_wl} nm")
ax.set_title(f'{used_wl}nm, $R^{2}$={R_square:.2f}')
for ID_idx, ID in enumerate(phantom_measured_ID):
ax.plot(measured_phantom_data[ID_idx, idx], sim_phantom_data[ID_idx,idx], 's', label=f'phantom_{ID}')
ax.plot(plotx, ploty, '--')
ax.set_xlabel("measure intensity")
ax.set_ylabel("sim intensity")
count += 1
plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5),
fancybox=True, shadow=True)
plt.savefig(os.path.join('pic', mother_folder_name, 'phantom', "all.png"), dpi=300, format='png', bbox_inches='tight')
Save fitting result as csv¶
In [42]:
result = {}
for idx, used_wl in enumerate(wavelength):
z = np.polyfit(measured_phantom_data[:, idx], sim_phantom_data[:,idx], 1)
result[used_wl] = z
result = pd.DataFrame(result)
os.makedirs(os.path.join("dataset", subject_name, 'calibration_result', date) , exist_ok=True)
result.to_csv(os.path.join("dataset", subject_name, 'calibration_result', date, "calibrate_SDS_1.csv"), index=False)
result = {}
for idx, used_wl in enumerate(wavelength):
z = np.polyfit(measured_phantom_data[:, idx], sim_phantom_data[:,idx], 1)
result[used_wl] = z
result = pd.DataFrame(result)
os.makedirs(os.path.join("dataset", subject_name, 'calibration_result', date) , exist_ok=True)
result.to_csv(os.path.join("dataset", subject_name, 'calibration_result', date, "calibrate_SDS_1.csv"), index=False)
Plot all measured phantom together¶
In [43]:
for idx, k in enumerate(phantom_data.keys()):
data = phantom_data[k]
plt.plot(total_wl, data, label=f'phantom_{phantom_measured_ID[idx]}')
plt.title('phantom spectrum')
plt.xlabel('wavelength (nm)')
plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5),
fancybox=True, shadow=True)
plt.savefig(os.path.join("pic", mother_folder_name, 'phantom', "measured_2345_phantom_result.png"), dpi=300, format='png', bbox_inches='tight')
for idx, k in enumerate(phantom_data.keys()):
data = phantom_data[k]
plt.plot(total_wl, data, label=f'phantom_{phantom_measured_ID[idx]}')
plt.title('phantom spectrum')
plt.xlabel('wavelength (nm)')
plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5),
fancybox=True, shadow=True)
plt.savefig(os.path.join("pic", mother_folder_name, 'phantom', "measured_2345_phantom_result.png"), dpi=300, format='png', bbox_inches='tight')