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Analyze in vivo raw data

How to launch the experiments

  • Preparations:
  • You should have the raw data then save them in the directory /dataset/\/SDS[1 or 2]/\/
  • You should have phantom_simulated in the directory /dataset/phantom_simulated
  • keep your pre-trained surrogate model in the directory /surrogate_model/\/
  • keep your pre-trained prediction model in the directory /model_save/\/\/
  • Make sure your OPs_used is synchronized as previous experiment (MCX simulation, training surrogate model, training prediction model)
  • Make sure your is synchronized as previous experiment (training surrogate model, training prediction model)

  • Screenshot of filepath should look like: image image image

  • Launch:

    • S1_preprocess_short.ipynb: preprocess raw data of short channel.
    • S1_preprocess_long.ipynb: preprocess raw data of long channel.
    • S2_predict_measured_data.ipynb: use prediction model take processed data as input, get predicted blood oxygen change of IJV.

Diagram of preprocessing of raw data


How to process raw data

S1_preprocess_long.ipynb S1_preprocess_short.ipynb

  • After finishing these two process, you would get 4 csv files.
    • Processed short in_vivo_results_exp.csv
    • Processed long in_vivo_results_exp.csv
    • Processed short calibration.csv : mapping to simulation intensity
    • Processed long calibration.csv : mapping to simulation intensity